( artwork by Luana Góes @luana.g.m )

You have tethered me
In a dream
a dark tale–
you’ve cast me by the sea
a lighthouse.
You've stolen its light
so no one will find me
you have tethered me to you
without even realising,
you have tethered me to you.
In the absence of your warmth
I am cold
pleading for the wind to carry a blanket to me
but it's been years
and I have grown numb
accustomed to the bitterness,
between the thin sheets
I don’t know anything but this.
I've grown up now, afraid
of what comes next
I wish I could run to you
/and run in the opposite direction too/
but you have tethered me to you,
all I do is run in circles
you have created an entire solar system in our home
Me and you.
you are the center,
the light I must turn to because–
You are mother,
the one who’s given me everything but
the one thing I hungered for
the one thing I still hunger for.
You've tethered me -
tied a sailors knot between our souls
a little birdy needing to be fed by its mother
mouth to mouth
regurgitating what a mother thinks to know best
untether me
and you'll see the damage you’ve caused
my limbs are useless against the currents.
You’ve kept your little birdy in the cage too long
free me and watch,
as I fall
my wings whole and full of possible flight
I'm scared mother
hold me, hold me
but let me go.
Let me fall away into the wind.