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Know The Editors of Kintsugi

The Founder And Co-founder Of The Journal


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Founder of Kintsugi

Tanushree is the founder of Kintsugi Journal, a cherished passion project reflecting her creative spirit. An avid bibliophile, she takes pride in her curated mini-library at home. As a devoted plant momma and enthusiast of nature documentaries, she finds joy in the simple wonders of the natural world. Beyond her pursuits, Tanushree is a versatile artist, with a love for painting and photography. Her poetry graces national and international platforms, showcasing her lyrical talent. In her spare moments, she delights in capturing beautiful moments through her lens and meticulously arranging her living space.

Co-Founder Of Kintsugi

Introducing Upanshu, the co-founder of The Kintsugi Journal. Upanshu is an avid reader of detective fiction, delving into the intricate mysteries that captivate the mind. His passion for creativity extends beyond the written word, as he is also a die-hard fan of rock music, embracing its raw energy and emotional depth. Upanshu’s multifaceted interests and boundless enthusiasm infuse The Kintsugi Journal with a unique blend of art and intellect. With a keen eye for detail and a heart that beats to the rhythm of rock, he brings a dynamic and inspiring presence to the magazine.

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